Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How can I include pictures in the text of my Yahoo email?

I would like to include pictures in the actual body of the email and not as attachments. Can someone explain to me how to do this?

I've searched like crazy for answers, but evidently I'm not using the correct terms when I search.

How can I include pictures in the text of my Yahoo email?
yup, b is right....i always just copy and paste my pictures into the body of my email. its really easy and doesn't require the extra effort of adding an attachment. to copy and paste you can left click on your mouse and highlight the picture then click on copy, go to your email and left click on paste amd just paste it into your email. it is really simple. you can also use your keyboard. to copy and paste. hold down the CTRL key and press ctrl + c for copy and ctrl+v for paste. at least that is how you do it on my computer! i hope this helps and i don't really know if i answered your question or not! good luck! :)
Reply:no problem! thanks for the rating! :) Report Abuse

Reply:I've done the same thing. Just copy and paste won't do it. If you send your mail, the person receiving it won't see the picture in the body of your mail. just a box with a red X on the upper left corner. Until now, I don't know how to do it. Report Abuse

Reply:use cut and paste

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